Business registry
Here is a list of local businesses from Avan and Unbyn.
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Victoria Eklund Wiklund – Graphic designer
Helps you and your company with all the graphic design needs, such as logos, graphic profiles and other graphic elements. I come from the sports fashion industry and have been working in design for over 8 years, during which I worked with clients such as ICANIWILL, Biltema, Jula, Sportamore and many more.

Polestar Treasures – Vintage jewelry
Polestar treasures is an international online vintage store selling vintage and antique silver and gold jewelry. In addition to a well-stocked webshop, we also offer services such as custom sourcing where we find a specific piece of jewelry based on your wishes, size changes and reuse of existing jewelry.

Unbyns rullgräs
Want greener grass than your neighbor? And time for other things? Treat yourself to ready-made grass on a roll from Unbyn's Roller Grass!

Månkraft is a company that is mainly involved in spiritual development. Lina who runs the company is a trained health counselor, kundalini yoga teacher and priestess. Performs massage treatments, healing and ceremonies.

A modern construction company with many years of experience in construction and land. RENOVATING, BUILDING OR EXPANDING IS A BIG DECISION FOR MOST PEOPLE. These are often investments that seek to preserve or enhance the value of something over time. They are driven by a long-term commitment to good work. Using their expertise and our partners in other professions, we tailor your overall solution. They are based in Unbyn, outside Boden, but operate throughout Norrbotten.

Elvira Lind
Elvira Lind Content creator who loves to create beautiful, fun and selling content. Want to increase your visibility on social media? She offers a complete package of strategy, photography, film, text and publishing. Do you want to stand out with great photos? She shoots staff portraits, products, events, for the website and much more!

Bjässpark Gården
~ Farm café ~ Opening hours in post, stay tuned on Instagram! Booking an event or conference in a farm setting! Animals on the farm! ❣️

The use of sweat
Svedjebruket is a small farm of 14 ha, of which 10 ha is historic agricultural land with great possibilities for both cultivation and animal husbandry. We offer consultancy in the fields of trade, engineering and assistive technology. Svedjebruket is one of the entrepreneurs in Nära Mat Boden-Saluhall with the aim of increasing self-sufficiency in Norrbotten. Linderöd pigs, Lapland goats, chickens and Keeshonds

Haradshem AB Rental of apartments and premises in Harads. 0706008039
Kelia AB
for Kelia AB: rental of apartments in Harads, transportation and construction works. Ann-Sofie 0706008039 Christer 0705350168

Arctos Labs
Develops a software-based solution for optimizing distributed data centers, as well as consulting services for research and development.

Santis Smaker
Matinriktade uppdrag, framförallt matlagning och catering till event för privatpersoner och företag.

City Öppenvård
City Öppenvård är Norrbottens äldsta specialiserade öppenvårdsklinik för alkohol-, drog- och spelproblem i arbetslivet. Behandlingen bygger på evidensbaserade metoder och utförs av välutbildade, erfarna och engagerade terapeuter. Godkänd vårdgivare för ersättning av AFA-försäkring som ingår i Fora. Avtalspartner med samtliga företagshälsovårdar i Norrbotten, Region Norrbotten och Luleå kommun. Vi finns i: Luleå Boden Piteå City Öppenvård AB Stationsgatan 38 972 32 Luleå Hamngatan 55A, Piteå Kungsgatan 29, Boden Gällivare Jokkmokk Kalix Haparanda

Åsa Bergström – Illustratör Åsa Bergström är en passionerad illustratör med en unik förmåga att fånga detaljerna i djur och växter och låta dem blomstra i en värld fylld av magi. Genom sina verk – allt från personliga hundporträtt till handtryckta kort – förmedlar hon sin kärlek till naturens skönhet och personlighet. Hennes illustrationer bjuder in betraktaren till en plats där det lilla blir storslaget och det vardagliga får en gnistrande närvaro.